
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi id elementum enim. Phasellus hendrerit turpis eget justo sagittis, ut sagittis lorem tincidunt. Sed ut euismod neque, sed vulputate urna. In eget lectus et quam commodo venenatis. Donec vel ornare eros, eget ultrices ex. Nulla ullamcorper varius sapien. Maecenas lorem ipsum, placerat in tempus nec, faucibus non mauris.

Fusce tempus odio ac enim mattis semper. Fusce ac blandit est, eu fringilla risus. In ac augue vitae lectus iaculis pellentesque. Vivamus elit sem, fringilla ac aliquam sit amet, maximus sit amet velit. Fusce tempus eros a sem vehicula, et sollicitudin mi vestibulum. Vestibulum quis porta tellus. Pellentesque vehicula, erat id convallis semper, dolor mauris porttitor odio, sed venenatis justo leo dapibus ex. Integer suscipit nulla eros, eget congue neque volutpat ut. Nunc porttitor quam at felis eleifend mollis. Integer tellus tortor, faucibus sed mauris in, gravida bibendum quam. Etiam sit amet porttitor massa, vel vestibulum ante.

Donec interdum lectus eget arcu vulputate, vitae facilisis lacus aliquam. Sed sit amet consectetur arcu. Nunc ornare lacus ex, non condimentum magna condimentum id. Vestibulum volutpat, purus quis sodales vestibulum, dolor lectus pellentesque mauris, in iaculis nisi lacus vitae erat. Sed vitae nisi sodales, condimentum mi vitae, molestie risus. Sed eu orci id sapien vestibulum feugiat sit amet eu ipsum. Suspendisse venenatis quam vitae orci pellentesque, vitae congue magna commodo. Nunc augue neque, tristique eget hendrerit at, vehicula et justo. Ut nec dolor dolor.

Suspendisse eu lorem ut lorem mattis tempus nec efficitur nulla. Nullam vestibulum tempor urna, nec scelerisque sapien sodales id. Morbi iaculis metus purus, sagittis tincidunt eros lobortis et. Sed eget tristique velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed id gravida metus. Cras lacinia tristique venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc id velit nec lorem tristique bibendum a non sapien. Vestibulum in orci efficitur, condimentum dui at, eleifend ante. Mauris elit dui, semper sed dictum a, ultrices vitae est. Aliquam in nibh magna. Nam interdum pellentesque laoreet. Sed laoreet sed erat sed sagittis. Quisque maximus bibendum elit nec facilisis.

Nunc fermentum nunc vel nulla viverra iaculis. In rhoncus lorem eget dui vestibulum, vel dictum eros vestibulum. Fusce egestas laoreet magna quis dictum. Cras aliquam posuere mollis. Praesent faucibus eros ut nunc semper, condimentum sodales orci malesuada. Maecenas ac neque magna. Phasellus efficitur volutpat lectus, in tempor justo dignissim nec. Duis ac eleifend mi, non tincidunt velit. Quisque nunc mauris, bibendum eget nunc id, posuere vehicula orci. Morbi et nibh ante. Suspendisse potenti.

Sample Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi id elementum enim. Phasellus hendrerit turpis eget justo sagittis, ut sagittis lorem tincidunt. Sed ut euismod neque, sed vulputate urna. In eget lectus et quam commodo venenatis. Donec vel ornare eros, eget ultrices ex. Nulla ullamcorper varius sapien. Maecenas lorem ipsum, placerat in tempus nec, faucibus non mauris.

Fusce tempus odio ac enim mattis semper. Fusce ac blandit est, eu fringilla risus. In ac augue vitae lectus iaculis pellentesque. Vivamus elit sem, fringilla ac aliquam sit amet, maximus sit amet velit. Fusce tempus eros a sem vehicula, et sollicitudin mi vestibulum. Vestibulum quis porta tellus. Pellentesque vehicula, erat id convallis semper, dolor mauris porttitor odio, sed venenatis justo leo dapibus ex. Integer suscipit nulla eros, eget congue neque volutpat ut. Nunc porttitor quam at felis eleifend mollis. Integer tellus tortor, faucibus sed mauris in, gravida bibendum quam. Etiam sit amet porttitor massa, vel vestibulum ante.

Donec interdum lectus eget arcu vulputate, vitae facilisis lacus aliquam. Sed sit amet consectetur arcu. Nunc ornare lacus ex, non condimentum magna condimentum id. Vestibulum volutpat, purus quis sodales vestibulum, dolor lectus pellentesque mauris, in iaculis nisi lacus vitae erat. Sed vitae nisi sodales, condimentum mi vitae, molestie risus. Sed eu orci id sapien vestibulum feugiat sit amet eu ipsum. Suspendisse venenatis quam vitae orci pellentesque, vitae congue magna commodo. Nunc augue neque, tristique eget hendrerit at, vehicula et justo. Ut nec dolor dolor.

Suspendisse eu lorem ut lorem mattis tempus nec efficitur nulla. Nullam vestibulum tempor urna, nec scelerisque sapien sodales id. Morbi iaculis metus purus, sagittis tincidunt eros lobortis et. Sed eget tristique velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed id gravida metus. Cras lacinia tristique venenatis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc id velit nec lorem tristique bibendum a non sapien. Vestibulum in orci efficitur, condimentum dui at, eleifend ante. Mauris elit dui, semper sed dictum a, ultrices vitae est. Aliquam in nibh magna. Nam interdum pellentesque laoreet. Sed laoreet sed erat sed sagittis. Quisque maximus bibendum elit nec facilisis.

Nunc fermentum nunc vel nulla viverra iaculis. In rhoncus lorem eget dui vestibulum, vel dictum eros vestibulum. Fusce egestas laoreet magna quis dictum. Cras aliquam posuere mollis. Praesent faucibus eros ut nunc semper, condimentum sodales orci malesuada. Maecenas ac neque magna. Phasellus efficitur volutpat lectus, in tempor justo dignissim nec. Duis ac eleifend mi, non tincidunt velit. Quisque nunc mauris, bibendum eget nunc id, posuere vehicula orci. Morbi et nibh ante. Suspendisse potenti.


Unfortunately, many of today’s writers, bloggers and (even) authors manage their writing careers in an uphill battle. They produce — actually spew out content day after day fighting for a spot at the top of the monolithic search engine rankings. They even produce great quality stuff. They tag it, reposition their content, repurpose it, guest blog for backlinks and on and on.


Their focus is way off. There’s nothing wrong with new and fresh quality content or keeping your writing-mind sharp with consistent and routine writing habits. I do it. You should also. However, you’re ‘main’ focus should be on one thing and one thing only.

Ah, but I can’t just tell what it is. Secrets are juicy… so bare with me as I tease you a bit longer. You’ll appreciate it more.

This one thing — TED Talks live by it, Seth Godin advocates it in his bestselling books and blog, Bob Lotich drives millions of visitors to his website using it, you spread it because it’s in its nature to be spread, it saves smart business’ money, keeps mouths yapping and is as simple as a cup of tea.

What is it?

Viral-ability (put this in an image, be very very creative with it)

Simply put, if your product, book, idea, theory, challenge, you name it… is worth spreading — worth being shared, is remarkable (i.e. people remark about it), is un-containable, then it will spread like wildfire or perhaps a bit slow like snail mail (use a better example or metaphor).

If your focus is on producing content worth sharing, then your readers will tell others. This means less writing for you (if that’s what you want), less marketing for you, more savings for you, less used up resources for your business, less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff… for you and everybody else.

You see, when others spread your message, idea, solution or product, it means you don’t really have to. You can focus on making it better or create a new service or message.

You become that guy they talk about.

You become:

• the guy who answers their heartfelt questions
• the lady who solves their problems
• the person who guides others when they need it most
• the business who does more than takes care of all their IT needs
• the service that entertains or relaxes its customers

You can apply this concept to any product or service, but the subject here is geared toward writing viral content.

You want to get out of the cat and mouse trap with the search engines who always change their algorithms. Instead, put your content in the hands of your readers. Write content that creates paradigm shifts, ones that bust myths wide open, that challenge the status quo, that challenge your readers, that question conventional wisdom, that create quantum leaps of understanding and action…

Learn how to create content that goes viral: 5 Ways to Write Viral Content



The question you may want to ask is ‘what’s the difference between the two?’

Well, to be honest with you — I don’t know. But you do…

Is the work you’re doing:

  1. Meaningful to you?
  2. Based on correct principles?
  3. Improving you?
  4. Making a difference for others?
  5. Achieving your goals?

If you answered ‘yes’ to all 5 questions, then rest assured that you’re being productive. If you answered no to some, then take a good look as to why that is so and make the necessary adjustments. For example: Let’s say you answered no to ‘making a difference for others’. How can you change that? That way you can steer away from self-centered work.

If you answered no to all five questions, then you’re simply being busy. Busy is not necessarily bad in and of itself. Perhaps you’re simply checking emails. Sometimes, it’s ok to pass time with grunt work. However, you want to be aware of the difference and focus more on productivity. This way you won’t be deceived into thinking you’re being productive when you’re actually being busy and neglecting areas of your life that’s important to you.

#ProductivityVsBusy #Goals#MeaningfulWork #TimFerriss#MakingADifference #CorrectPrinciples

STOP and THANK the People Who Make a DIFFERENCE


We must find time to STOP and THANK the people who make a DIFFERENCE in our lives. – John F. Kennedy

Expressing appreciation to those who have helped us is important… to them. One of the inherent characteristics of human beings is that we always want to be acknowledged for any good we do. It simply feels amazing and encourages people to do more good. This acknowledgement practice alone can transform the world for the better.

I challenge you to write down a list of at least five people who have impacted you on a positive way and give them a call (no email, if possible) and let them know (a) the difference they have made in your life and (b) that you appreciate them for their service and kindness. You’ll be slowly but surely changing the world.

#ThinkPositive #PeopleMatter#Acknowledgement #Unity #Thankfulness#Karma

TOMORROW (noun): A Mystical Land


TOMORROW (noun): a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.

Let’s imagine that it’s 11 pm right now. Pretty much the end of the day is over, you’ve settled down for the night and you have to work or go to school tomorrow morning.

But… something is on your mind. It’s very clear to you or it’s shrouded; yet something is a little off nonetheless. Hmm, what is it? Could it be meditating before going to sleep? Polishing up your website? Working on your business plan? Maybe, just maybe it could be writing that chapter for your book? Of course you can do it tomorrow. I mean, come on, it’s late, tomorrow is another day and you’re tired.

But… you know as well as I do that today will be just another day ending with excuses, procrastination and a lack of fulfillment. Plus you will probably have another restless night thinking about the very thing that lights up your soul. Just know that you have the POWER OF CHOICE on your side. I truly believe that.

How about you get up RIGHT NOW and get to work on that project or that painting. Perhaps it’s exercising for 10 minutes or writing a poem. Who cares?! JUST START and see where it leads you. This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to be consistent if you haven’t, or to get started. Know that all you have is NOW. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow, forever seducing us with ‘maybes’ and a false sense of hope. “There’s never a good time to start. There’s always… a great time to start.” – Geo Malave

#NoExcuses #Opportunity #GetStarted#ThePowerOfNow #EckhartTolle#PowerOfChoice #Motivation

Everyone Falters. Everyone Stumbles.

Everyone falters. Everyone stumbles. Gather your courage and keep moving in the right direction. If you don’t know which way to go, follow your heart. – M. B. Moss

Instead of looking at a physical location, status or financial level as a destination, see your heart (with its intense passions, powerful emotions and loving nature) as ‘the’ destination, the place or state to go toward. It’s there where your answers lie. If the heart be not satisfied, then you’ll have arrived, become famous and rich… but without being fulfilled. “You’ll always end up where you started — your heart.” –#GeoMalave

#HumanAtEase #ThinkPositive #FollowHeart#Courage #Progress #GeoAtEase#GeoMalave

Be Poactive: You’re in Charge of Your Actions

Proactive is creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. Being proactive is the first habit in ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Dr. Covey. Covey made some distinctions about being proactive; see them below:

Being proactive… (1) is not the same as taking the initiative, though taking the initiative is part of being proactive (2) comes from a mind-set that we’re all 100% RESPONSIBLE for our actions, thereby empowering us to make the necessary changes and not blame nor rely on others to do it for us (3) stems from making a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to respond to situations that are out of our control rather than automatically reacting to them; which we usually do in a overwhelmed and emotional state (4) puts you in charge of your life and expands your CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE while shrinking your circle of concern. This leads you to be a change catalyst rather than resisting changes or uncomfortable situations.

With these distinctions in mind, ask yourself if you’re being proactive? Know that being proactive is not ‘always’ preventing things from happening, but if we could, then we should. Find ways to put things in place that would prevent as many obstacles as possible. For example: the local fire department receives alerts whenever a new building is constructed so they can make sure that the buildings have all of the safety precautions in place. This type of system prevents thousands of daily fires in addition to better helping the fire department fight fires when they do happen.

Ways to be proactive: [A] Identify any risks by taking PREVENTIVE METHODS with the available resources and capabilities (ex: eating healthy and exercising today instead of waiting for your health to reach poor levels). [B] Take a step back when something happens and make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE that ‘serves’ you in the moment and in the long-term instead of reacting in a stressed state. [C] Think less linear with any issues that arise and look for other alternatives than the obvious ones.

#BeProactive #7Habits #MondayMotivation#StephenCovey #CircleOfInfluence#ChangeCatalyst #PowerOfChoice

It’s Not What You’re Looking At, It’s What You See


It’s not what you’re looking at, it’s what you see – #GeoMalave

We don’t only look with our eyes, we project with them also; we project defeat, doubt… or assurance and compassion.

When you look at yourself in the mirror or contemplate who you are, who do you see? Perhaps you have accomplished a lot in life, have shown to be brave or that you’re a good mother. But do you ‘see’ those qualities or focus on areas where you have come up short? Are you accustomed to being your own worst critique? If so, try the activities below so you an break this vicious cycle.

1) Read life enriching books in the morning and before bed. These types of books will inspire and help you with new and positive perspectives. Authors I recommend are Robin Sharma and Jeff Goins.

2) Meditate for 10 minutes in the morning. This practice will get your day started on the right foot. offers really good meditation material. @MindValley@Vishen

3) Affirmations: right after meditation, say 2 – 3 affirmations 10x in a row. Make sure you’re alone and use a moderate voice level. You can be playful with it. Try these out [a] ‘I’m the shiznit (i.e. the best or great) because I said so’ (you can lol after each one) [b] ‘I’m inherently brilliant, no doubt about it’, [c] ‘I’m unique and absolutely beautiful!’. Be ok with feeling weird or cheesy during your affirmations.

4) Be Intentional: create your intent for the day. Many of us are routine in our lives, merely slumping throughout our days. How about you create 3 things to focus on that will inspire you and make you feel better about yourself. Start with (a) calling a friend who is positive or funny, (b) decluttering your office or bedroom and (c) acknowledging someone for helping you.

5) Surround yourself with positive people. Seems simple, but we don’t do this enough. Call 1 – 3 people right now and set up a day/time to hang out. Their energy will uplift you. Value yourself and avoid difficult people.

You always have the POWER OF CHOICE on your side. You ‘can’ choose to love yourself and cultivate this self-love everyday.

So… what do you see?

#ThinkPositive #ReadMore #HumanAtEase#SelfLove #PowerOfChoice #GeoMalave

Productivity vs. Busy

The question you may want to ask is ‘what’s the difference between the two?’

Well, to be honest with you — I don’t know. But you do…

Is the work you’re doing:

  1. Meaningful to you?
  2. Based on correct principles?
  3. Improving you?
  4. Making a difference for others?
  5. Achieving your goals?

If you answered ‘yes’ to all 5 questions, then rest assured that you’re being productive. If you answered no to some, then take a good look as to why that is so and make the necessary adjustments. For example: Let’s say you answered no to ‘making a difference for others’. How can you change that? That way you can steer away from self-centered work.

If you answered no to all five questions, then you’re simply being busy. Busy is not necessarily bad in and of itself. Perhaps you’re simply checking emails. Sometimes, it’s ok to pass time with grunt work. However, you want to be aware of the difference and focus more on productivity. This way you won’t be deceived into thinking you’re being productive when you’re actually being busy and neglecting areas of your life that’s important to you.

#ProductivityVsBusy #Goals#MeaningfulWork #TimFerriss#MakingADifference #CorrectPrinciples


There are two things that a writer needs to know before reading this book: One: that he or she doesn’t need to be licensed, registered or certified to become a writer. If you have one hand, pen and paper (or keyboard), then you can write. And with today’s advancements, you can use recording technology to transcribe your audible words into digital ones, making the writing process easier. The second thing you need to know is that it’s all made up: mystery thrillers, encyclopedias, history books, science fiction – it’s all a work of the writer’s creativity; no matter how fanciful or steeped in facts, it’s put together as a work of creation. Our words (written or spoken) are acts of imagination. Think of a fiction series that fans rave about. “Omg, you gotta read ABC series, it’s that good. Once you start, you can’t stop. I’m telling you.” And that series is nothing but made up stories of characters and scenes that never existed and never will exist. It’s just one lone writer (or writers) who contrived a fantastic story from their imagination for your entertainment. This is done over and over again and readers fall for it every time. Now before you go and create an avalanche of duped readers with your bestselling book, remember that you have permission to write by virtue of having at least one hand or recording device. And know that you have the right as anyone else to have fun and create with your imagination whatever it is you want to create. Read on and have fun.

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